
Hi, I'm Michael. Michael Pannell. Or as I sometimes say, Michael W. Pannell. You can read a lot of what's here on this "About" page elsewhere, but I'll say it again anyway. I'm sojourning in Lo-debar just now and these are some thoughts along the way.

Warning, a lot of my off-handed references are Bible references and sometimes may not be the clearest. You just found one: Lo-debar. I'm sorry for the obscurity, but that's the way it is. They may become clearer if you come here often, or you can always look them up. Or just breeze past them—it's all good.

What do I do?

I usually say I'm an under-employed writer, former pastor, journalist, missionary and teacher. I've worked in graphic communications, corporate communications, was a multimedia computer applications developer, but above all, I say I'm a follower of Jesus. Or better put, a fumbler after Jesus.

To fall back into that Bible reference, the ground here in Lo-debar is dry, but the grace is surprisingly rich and deep. I guess I'll leave it at that for now, but I may put more about me as I find it out. One thing's for sure: I can be serious. I can be silly. Pretty obvious, I guess.

God bless you, and I sincerely mean that. 

You can email me at grab.grace@yahoo.com.

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